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ISMC Charter and ByLaws

Immortal Sisters Motorcycle Club (ISMC)

Charter and Bylaws


Who we are:


The ISMC is a group of Female, Lesbian, T-Girl and Herm Bikers who love Bikes & this SL lifestyle. Our Male chapter admits a limited number of males with specific qualities. 


We have a variety of outside interests but our common bond is the love and commitment we share to ISMC.  In all activities and events, we want to instill and be guided by the ISMC Motto which is Strength-Loyalty-Pride.


We have Roads, Bikes, Nude Beaches, Dances, Rentals and other activities and a variety of vehicles to ride including Hovercraft, Airplanes and Jet Skis.  


ISMC land is open to all genders.


Our Beginnings:

ISMC was founded on October 1, 2015 by Ashley and Jessy Cluny. 



Our Vision:


We are an Independent Female and T-Girl and Herm only MC (only human avatars are accepted). We have a Male Chapter for a limited number of males with very specific qualities.


Avatars with elf ears, cat ears and tails may visit ISMC but non-humanoid avatars such furries, werewolves, cyborgs and robots are not acceptable on ISMC land.


ISMC exists to provide our members, their guests and our supporters a place to gather and enjoy each other socially, to partake in a variety of events, all done and enjoyed in a good-natured way of entertainment, without fear of bullying, isolation, ridicule or persecution.  Absolutely no drama will be tolerated from anyone, including ISMC Members.  These actions are some of the actions which can get you banned for life from ISMC land and events.


The peace and tranquility of the sim is paramount.  Griefers and trouble makers will be dealt with swiftly and completely at the discretion of the sim ownership.


Section 1 (Governance):


ISMC is governed by the ISMC President with assistance by the ISMC Vice President.


All officers will be appointed by the sitting President and will serve at her pleasure.  The President may remove any officer at any time for any reason.


The ranks in ISMC are:


  Vice President

  Sergeant at Arms


  Public relations / Recruiting Director

  Chief Road Captain

  Road Captain


  Sister / Brother



From time to time, as necessary General Member Church Meetings will be called by the President.  Members are expected to attend if possible. 

In order to fund ISMC’s operation, Dues will be collected from each Member. Dues are currently L$200 per month.



Section 2 (Code of Conduct):

1. All comments, questions and concerns regarding Immortal Sisters Motorcycle Club (ISMC) decisions, actions or events will be directed to the ISMC President or Vice President.

Severe penalties may be imposed for failure to comply with this rule. The ISMC President and Vice President will determine the severity of any violation and impose appropriate penalties.


2. ISMC was created to provide a fun and relaxing home for Sisters and Brothers to enjoy the sport of motorcycling. We are NOT a rude, violent or severe motorcycle club. Officers are here to advise, protect and provide a fun environment for ISMC Sisters and Brothers.


Harmony among our Sisters and Brothers IS OUR PRIORITY. Be nice and help each other. We are Sisters and Brothers and we feel it.


3. Harmony with all bikers in SL is our priority. We respect all Bikers living in SL and we try to maintain friendly relations with them. Our Club is open to all bikers although only females may become ISMC Sisters and becoming an ISMC Brother is limited.


4. NO RUDE OR BAD MANNERED PERSONS ARE ALLOWED IN ISMC. This includes stalkers and drama queens.


5. ALL members of ISMC are required to be active and help with suggestions, ideas and proposals. All suggestions, ideas, and proposals shall be presented to the President or Vice President.


6. If an ISMC Sister or Brother shows a lack of interest in the social life of ISMC, they will be asked to be more active a maximum of two times, after which dismissal from ISMC is possible. To be an ISMC Sister or Brother is an honor you must earn and maintain.


7. For all other rules of conduct, please refer to the Second Life Terms of Service Agreement.


Section 3 (Men’s Chapter):


Men may belong to ISMC as Brothers when they possess the following very specific qualities.


1. Accepts ISMC as a female dominated MC.

2. Displays kindness and respect for women.

3. Ability to co-exist with females without becoming sexual.

4. No male dominance.

5. May be subservient or feminine.


Any unwanted advances, negative comments or derogatory actions by a Brother will result in immediate ejection and banning from the ISMC.


Section 4 (Membership):

ISMC is a private Motorcycle Club.  We set our standards for membership. New Prospects may be added by the President or Vice President. The only requirement is to be at least 30 SL day old and if a current or former member of a MC (other than ISMC) she or he must have left that MC (or be about to) as a member in good standing.

Prospects will be given a Prospect vest and will then be able to set home to the ISMC land and rezz items anywhere on the land. During this time, we expect you to interact with your future sisters, brothers and fellow prospects.  Get to know your sisters and brothers, how ISMC does things and learn the facilities. ISMC Mentors are available to help Prospects that are new to the MC lifestyle.

To move from Prospect to Patched Member, Prospects must complete at least one (1) full club rideout with no major issues. If after 30 days the Prospect has not successfully completed the club rideout, they will be given the choice to leave ISMC or become an ISMC supporter.

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