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ISMC Rideout Calendar

Active Rideouts
Riding Sim List
Riding Sim List - Date Sort

Rideout Protocol:

Rideouts are led by the Road Captain or specified stand in. The following protocol must be followed by all riders:


  • Attend as many rideouts as you can; once a week is the required minimum.

  • Be present on our sim 15 minutes ahead of the rideout. Dates and times are listed on the rideout calendar, located outside our clubhouse and on our web site.

  • Wear your ISMC vest and ISMC tag.

  • Dress appropriately for the sim - read the Rideout Comments on our website.

  • Keep your scrips below 100, preferably less then 50.

  • Rideouts are held on private sims and the owners are often present. Greet and thank them and be respectful of their sim and others present.

  • Use ISMC Group Chat

  • Do not ride ahead of the leader and stay with the group. Its not a race.

  • Do not purposely run into other bikes or slide along the track side rails.

  • Be prepared for stops as the leader holds up the group waiting for lagging riders or chooses a specific route.

  • If you need to go afk, delete your bike. You will be tp'd to the group upon your return.

  • If you are too laggy ride “bitch" with someone else.

Rideout Protocol

Copyright © 2016-2023 by Immortal Sisters MC


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