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Our Fallen Sister - Surfer .....

Our former Prez, Vp, Road Captain and Mentor, Surfer Catz passed away in September, 2018.

Her Memorial was held at our Allied Sisters GFYS MC sim on Friday,  Oct, 26, 2018 and attended by friends across the SL Motorcycle community.

Surfer will be remembered with love by all of those that knew her.

Our loving sister Surfer 2009- 2018 RIP

Group Notice ....


It is with a broken heart and many tears in my eyes and on my cheeks that I tell you our amazing Surfer has passed.  I don't know all the details, only that she now has her Angel Wings.  


Please wherever you are, take a moment when you read this and give her kind thoughts and/or say prayers for her and the family she left behind.   She will now be able to continue riding with Sun and Ivanna.


She will not be forgotten and will be place in our Memorial Garden here at ISMC.  

Eulogy ....

Rose De'Nude:

Surfer, our friend and sister was and always will be the shining light guiding ISMC and will be missed terribly by all of us that knew her. It was easy to love her easy going personality and passion for ISMC. She showed us all the power of love and friendship and I know is looking down, smiling as our new President Lynn and all of her sisters continue our wonderful MC, strengthening as we move forward. God bless Surfer and all of our sisters.

Storm Aldrin Love:

Rest in paradise our amazing sister Surfer.

Belle Love:

So sorry to hear, hard to believe.

Sukie Ku'Lani:

I read with heavy heart about the passing of your former leader and President - Surfer     I never got to meet her, but Ivanna spoke highly of her, and that was good enough for me.   My thoughts and Prayers are with all of her devoted sisters, among whom I count many friends.  God bless us all.

Sami B:

Sorry to hear that.  she was a great person and a great friends.  the sl biker community has lost another great member.  not to mention her rl family and friend.

Memorial Service ....

Friday, Oct 26, 2018, at GFYS MC

Morning Service ....

Barb: Surfer  sweet  prez, you always  giving people  a second change even a third  and fourth  change  to set things  right where they went wrong, thank you  for letting  me  into your life, for being  my friend  and sister

you will always live in my heart ♥♥♥


Neecie: we [pray the Lord grant u peace n help your family

I envied her as a human

such a huge heart

we gather to remember you sis, your memory will be eternal

she was expert st my typonese

we love u sis

we carry on her legacy in how we conduct ourselves


Adèle de Champagne: Surfer was my teacher, dedicated me to RC and she explained me all about RCing *cries* I still can't help crying... I miss Surfer so much 😢


Sukie Ku'Lani: She will always be a friend to all of us

I wish Ivanna could have seen this


Sally: Those  who knew her knew all she was and how she was, we are better in this world knowing her and  she will never be forgotten by us. Im proud and honored to call her my friend.


T̷e̷y̷ Murphy: On behalf of Swish, myself and all the sisters of HVMC...we extend deepest condolences to the sisters of ISMC...Surfer was an amazing lady and it shows through the kindness of her sisters. God speed Surfer and comfort to the family here that will always love you and hold your memory dear.

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to be here today :)


Vanessa Murphy: Amen


Miss Laura DeWynter: I Knew Surfer not only as a MC sister but as a Bloodlines sister she was always classy and well respected im proud to have called her SISTER


Mia Nacht: Thank you Surfer for all


Nicci Neox: Very sorry for your loss sisters.  The few times I met her were always good.


noon: thank you everyone to be here with us and honor our sister


Lynn: This is from Rose ISMC Treasurer

Surfer, our friend and sister was and always will be the shining light guiding ISMC and will be missed terribly by all of us that knew her. It was easy to love her easy going personality and passion for ISMC. She showed us all the power of love and friendship and I know is looking down, smiling as our new President Lynn and all of her sisters continue our wonderful MC, strengthening as we move forward. God bless Surfer and all of our sisters


Lynn: This is from Jacy - her SL wife

Thank you all so very much for coming. I know Surfer is watching, and is moved deeply by the show of love & respect exhibited here today.

What to say about Surfer that you don't already know... She was a President of this fine MC. She was an officer at Venus Beach II. She was in a vampire coven.


Surfer was like a diamond. So many facets. She had that "matter of fact" down to earth side. She was playful, almost like a little girl at times. She was a trickster; a friend; a Sister...........

a wife. My SL wife. I will miss her all the rest of my days here in SL.  I know you all have that special place in your hearts for her as well.

So here's to our Surfer. Forever will she live on in our hearts, our memories, and our lives.


To Surfer Arun Catz !!

T̷e̷y̷ Murphy: To SURFER!!♥

Sukie Ku'Lani: here here!


Lynn: I would like to close with some of my thoughts


I didn't really know Surfer as well as some, but I like to think that she and I were close.


I was shocked and hesitant when she told me she was going to become President of ISMC and wanted me to be her VP.  The harder I fought, the more convincing she was... so, with Elle's approval I accepted.


It turned out that she and I thought a lot alike about many things in SL and RL, but but I learned about Surfer was she was a deep thinker.  She had a heart of gold that was heavily guarded.  She like everyone had her secrets.


She loved ISMC and it's members deeply.  She also loved Jacy as well.  No matter her troubles in RL she never let it affect her duties as President.  She was very devoted to ISMC and its members.  She gave each L$ she earned as DJ (Tips) back to the club and donated almost 25% of our monthly requirement - sometimes the only one to do that.


Her discovery of her illness was shocking and the severity and how advanced it was, was even more hard to accept.  While her resignation wasn't really a surprise, I and many I know always thought she was tough and would come through it eventually and retake her place as President.


Surfer was a true friend, a great leader, a genuine person.  Her love, knowledge, her passion, will all be missed.  I know I'm a better person for having known her.


I will miss her as I know everyone here will too.  We have added her plaque to the Memorial Wall of ISMC Sisters who have made their final ride with us.  They are now left to ride together and carry on the traditions of our Sisterhood.


Thank you all for coming.  It speaks well for her to be remembered by so many.

On behalf of ISMC, THANK YOU !

You are welcome to come and visit ISMC any time and see our Memorial Garden which is where the original of this wall behind me is

Now we know she, Sun and Ivanna can ride all day every day


Sally: SURFER ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥



Sukie Ku'Lani: To SURFER     God bless you and keep you.


Neecie: we are her legacy


may her family find peace


Dani 'Dano' Jensen: sincerest condolences to all in ISMC and to all who knew Surfer


Yvi Caroline: hugs and blessings everyone...


Tami Forrest: thank you all


Ω Tυℓʌ Ø Ω: Thank you very Much All for having participate to this Memorial Ride in Surfer's Honor


Sukie Ku'Lani: To all here  --  Thank you for honoring Surfer.   It is more than I can take right now   I'm overwhelmed


Vanessa Murphy: Thank you very Much for having us


Queeny Rose: thank you so much for having us with you, and my deepest condolences for your loss


Sami B: sorry I missed the ride but glad I could make it her to honour a great lady and a great friend.


noon: thank you  very much


Abrianica Florabelle: thank you all, and sorry for your loss


anessa Murphy: Take care Ladies,. So sorry again, there is a sign i hang here in sl, homes, shops,. it says,, the ony real things here are feeling, so take care of each other,. and its something ive lived by from day one, and to see my sisters, and fellow sister MC's living by that standard and being here for each other is amazing, i'm sure Surfer loves and is proud of every one of you,, and hope this pain passes quickly replaced by the great memories you have with her

Afternoon Service ....

Desti : We have many fond memories of her and we are saddened as you are


Anne Foxtrot: surf was a light in the dark now we ve to lighten her memory

i m close to all my sis of ISMC yu lost a real nice soul^^^^^^

thank you for inviting us^^^^^

surf was a friend for me and a friend loss is terrible

i ve no words only tears miss you surf::((

only the good ones leaves us as in RL so is here hope surf is now duin what she loved best ride ride and ride free happy and forever!


Desti : A fond memory, she took on a kitten avatar to play with my daughter ...or turned into a bat to hang from a tree..thank you for letting me  come today Miss Laura

My beautiful Surfer to the angels


Cyn L'ange: I like to thank are President Lynn for making this coming together


Sukie Ku'Lani: My RL and SL best friend Ivanna as a sister here in ISMC    I never got to meet Surfer, but Ivanna was proud to call her friend


Mia Nacht: Byee Surferr once again Ride and Fly in Heaven


noon: thank you everyone for joining us :)

I kew surfer when she came to ismc

she always was as she has been all the time a real loving person  and a hell of a leader I will miss her alway she was more that an friend to me


Barb: Surfer  once won a contest...most beautiful  i proudly give her  boobhugs...i will always  love you  treated  us all with respect, you cared for us  like a real mom, you loved us  and  comfort  us..thank you  for  letting  me  into your life ♥♥♥


Miss Laura DeWynter: I knew surfer on a couple levels  one as am biker sister and one as a bloodlines sister  in both worlds she was and amazing sister always willing to help and always had a smile and good things to say she will be missed on the roads and in the castle


Lynn: I have a NC from Rose ISMC Treasurer

Surfer, our friend and sister was and always will be the shining light guiding ISMC and will be missed terribly by all of us that knew her. It was easy to love her easy going personality and passion for ISMC. She showed us all the power of love and friendship and I know is looking down, smiling as our new President Lynn and all of her sisters continue our wonderful MC, strengthening as we move forward. God bless Surfer and all of our sisters.


Anne Foxtrot: the best words to commemorate our sis surf thank you rose

my keyboard is wet with my tears that s a moment i ll never forget thank you lynn^^^^^^

i will say my last words to commemorate our surfer today  simple words but  true as was surfer a true nice person

just the last words from me then i ll cry for awhile^^^^surfer is now deep in our memory thank you surfer for the friendly clean moments you gave us all we wont forget you


Elle: My regret is that I did not get to know her even better


Ilona Kohime: Thx for letting me join to have this moment together...... Strength to all.


Lynn: one from Jacy - Surfer's SL wife

JACY -  Thank you all so very much for coming. I know Surfer is watching, and is moved deeply by the show of love & respect exhibited here today.


What to say about Surfer that you don't already know... She was a President of this fine MC. She was an officer at Venus Beach II. She was in a vampire coven.


Surfer was like a diamond. So many facets. She had that "matter of fact" down to earth side. She was playful, almost like a little girl at times. She was a trickster; a friend; a Sister...........

a wife. My SL wife. I will miss her all the rest of my days here in SL.  I know you all have that special place in your hearts for her as well.

So here's to our Surfer. Forever will she live on in our hearts, our memories, and our lives.


To Surfer Arun Catz !!

Sukie Ku'Lani: TO SURFER!!

ϮŁαdγ Sïɾεη Şίη ℳѦƦҠÔVΛϮ: Raises My Beer

FUTΔRΔ™: thumbs up to Surfer!

Desti : to my crazy little vampire ...smiles and raises a Surfer , DDH Elite

Barb: Hail to Sweet Surfer ♥♥♥


Magalie: thank you for allowing us to be here with you in this terrible moment. Nothing will be as before without surfer.

I wish all the best to the iSMC.

I'm honnored to met Surfer


Lynn: On behalf of ISMC, thank you all for coming

Thank you to GFYSMC for hosting this ride and service and the one this morning


Roger Knight: Blessing be upon us all and her memory


Magalie: Farewell Surfer !!!!


ϮŁαdγ Sïɾεη Şίη ℳѦƦҠÔVΛϮ: I knew Surfer well and knew her since back when Jessy was President to ISMC.....I can tell you all I have rarely met such a devoted Sister to her MC...A true friend to all who loved and knew her.....And a fantastic human bein g......continued

Always remember as we often learn when its too late to always take the time to tell those around you that you love them.....dont let the little things get in the way of whats important.....Tomorrow is never a promise to any of us.....So with that always Ride hard with those weve lost along sside us....Always have fun and know they are with us....I riase my beer to you Surfer ...and to all of ISMC


Elle: Thank you all especially the other MC members


Lynn: again thank you to GFYSMC for the venu for both of our rides/services

I wanted to share my thoughts about Surfer

I didn't really know Surfer as well as some, but I like to think that she and I were close.  

I was shocked and hesitant when she told me she was going to become President of ISMC and wanted me to be her VP.  The harder I fought, the more convincing she was... so, with Elle's approval I accepted


It turned out that she and I thought a lot alike about many things in SL and RL, but but I learned about Surfer was she was a deep thinker.  She had a heart of gold that was heavily guarded.  She like everyone had her secrets.


She loved ISMC and it's members deeply.  She also loved Jacy as well.  No matter her troubles in RL she never let it affect her duties as President.  She was very devoted to ISMC and its members.  She gave each L$ she earned as DJ (Tips) back to the club and donated almost 25% of our monthly requirement - sometimes the only one to do that.


Her discovery of her illness was shocking and the severity and how advanced it was, was even more hard to accept.  While her resignation wasn't really a surprise, I and many I know always thought she was tough and would come through it eventually and retake her place as President.

Surfer was a true friend, a great leader, a genuine person.  Her love, knowledge, her passion, will all be missed.  I know I'm a better person for having known her.


I will miss her as I know everyone here will too.  We have added her plaque to the Memorial Wall of ISMC Sisters who have made their final ride with us.  They are now left to ride together and carry on the traditions of our Sisterhood


noon: thank you Siren GFYS and ISMC were always close and considered like family you always helped us and stood by us we will never forget that  thank you very much for your unconditional support:)


Lynn: Elle asked me to let you know that she's taken pictures and they will be posted later tonight on the ISMC flickr page

Thank you both again Siren and Tula for you offers and assistance


Anne Foxtrot: thank you lynn and your words fix what surfer really was ^^^ty

nite jacy lynn everybody nini surfer wish you the best in heaven^^^^^


Miss Laura DeWynter: my condolences Lynn on behalf of HoHMC and Dark Sister of Eternity


ϮŁαdγ Sïɾεη Şίη ℳѦƦҠÔVΛϮ: Ive seen this silence a couple times at Memorials...this is when we learn that we will have to learn to go on without our loved one with us .....


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